Unlocking strategies for social media limitation

As a public relations student, I understand the importance of balancing the demands of social media use. While essential for monitoring trends and identifying potential crises, the constant connection can have negative impacts and take a toll on mental health.  Throughout co-op work terms, I enjoyed media monitoring and researching social media-based trends. While social…

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Celebrating Women: Empowering women’s representation in media and society

In the media realm, women’s portrayal has long been a subject of scrutiny and debate. From film and television to advertising and social media, the images and narratives surrounding women have immense power in shaping societal norms and perceptions. As we navigate the complexities of gender equality, it’s important to examine how these representations influence…

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A call for comprehensive education: Integrating Black History into helping professions

Black history is an intrinsic element of Canada’s past, present and future. This history encompasses a narrative that extends beyond Black History Month in February. There is a need to integrate Black history into the core of Canada’s educational systems throughout the academic year and as a mandatory training component in helping professions. Canada’s diverse…

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