The Sporting Life
Nikki Gillingham // September 29, 2011

Welcome back to another year at the Mount, and welcome to the first ever edition of Symmetry! My name is Nikki Gillingham, and I am going to be in charge of answering all of your fitness, health, and sports-related questions. First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am a third year student in the Public Relations program. I transferred here in September 2010 from St. Thomas University (STU), where I had graduated with a BA, major in communications and minors in journalism and philosophy. I enjoy reading classic novels, and am currently reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. I like to learn, write, and I LOVE to run cross country!
I have been involved in sports my entire life, and I’ve tried almost everything at one point or another. Lacrosse, Hockey, Gymnastics, Rugby, Soccer, Baseball, Swimming, Karate…you name it, I’ve likely tried it (but no, I’ve never played cricket. That seems to be a popular question).
I am a runner. I believe that cross country is the sport that defines me and makes me who I am. I always ran in order to keep in shape for other sports, and started running competitively for STU in my fourth year. I found the team by accident, truth be told. I had tried out for the hockey team twice, and was cut each time. I thought my ‘sports career’ had come to an end, when I decided to write an article for one of my journalism classes on the school’s new Cross Country Team. Always looking for recruits, the head coach Scott Davis encouraged me to come out to practices. That winter I joined the team for some strength training sessions, but couldn’t commit because I was already coaching a high school girls’ hockey team.
When I could finally take the plunge and join the team full-time the following year, I realized I had been missing out–big time! Running, I discovered, was who I was and what I wanted to do, 24/7. I met some of my best friends, and some of the most inspirational people while training with the team.
When I came here last year, I had heard rumours the Mount was registered to have a cross country team in the Atlantic Colleges Athletic Association (ACAA), and I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough interest to create a team, but I was able to get myself to races. The amazing Mount Athletics Director June Lumsden was able to register me in whichever races I wanted . In fact, any athletes having issues should go see June–or just go say hi!
So, I continued to run, and race, and still do today. Although I don’t have a team and I don’t race nearly as often as I’d like, I get out and run as often as I possibly can.
Why did I tell you all this? I feel that if you know my background, you’ll appreciate my information all the more! I want to inform you, tell you stories, make you laugh, and inspire you to get out there and enjoy yourself! Be active! You have no idea what you’re missing out on! Unless, of course, you’re an athlete already, in which case you know just how awesome it feels to get out there and sweat a little.
Over the next little while, I’ll be giving all kinds of information on nutrition, exercise, health, rest days, and hopefully sharing stories you think are as great as I do.
I want to answer all of your questions, so anything you’re curious about or want to know regarding sports or fitness, shoot me an email at nikki.gillingham@gmail.com. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll look it up for you.
Here’s to a healthy, active, FUN year!