Do What You Love, Love What You Do.
Nikki Gillingham // October 19, 2011

How many of you went for a run today? To the gym? Yoga class? Do you know why you went?
For anyone just starting out or interested in beginning a new fitness regime, it’s important to know your goals.
I know what you’re thinking: “Well, duh – I’m doing it to get in shape, be healthier, be happier”. These are great reasons to get interested in health and fitness, but it’s important to find an activity that you love to do. Instead of simply thinking of it as ‘exercise’, be more specific and think ‘I’m going to run’, or ‘lift weights’, or ‘play hockey’. When you substitute the word ‘exercise’ with a specific activity you love, it becomes more than just a way to ‘get in shape’. Instead of dreading that ambiguous ‘exercise’, you begin to look forward to running, or lifting weights.
Exercising releases endorphins, improving your overall mood; imagine how this will affect your state of mind if the activities you choose are something you love. You’ll be amazed at the extra lift it gives you.
This advice isn’t just ‘book-smarts’ or second-hand knowledge–it comes from my own personal experience. My mood changes drastically when I exercise (in my case, it’s running). I have an old friend, who, within five minutes of talking to me can tell whether or not I’ve gone for a run that day.
Nikki + Running = <3. It’s a fact.
On top of how you feel after you’ve exercised, loving what you do and knowing the amazing benefits it provides will encourage you out the door in the first place.
As a beginner (or anyone at any level), the gym can sometimes be a daunting place. Not knowing what you are going to do when you actually get there can make it seem even worse. Creating a workout plan before you go can counteract this. A plan will help you remain calm, be more open to new experiences, and prepare you for a challenge. Instead of thinking “I have to go to the gym,” your thinking becomes, “I am going to try and run 5km on the treadmill tonight” or, “I think I’m ready to increase my weight while doing shoulder presses.”
What’s the moral of the story? Don’t just go to the gym and mindlessly move through sun salutations or your legs routine simply because someone told you “do it, it’s good for you”–try everything. Experience a variety of different routines and exercises, and discover what your favourites are.
When you figure out what you love to do, why you’re doing it seems obvious: it gets you moving and you feel amazing afterward. It’s as simple as that.