Celebrating Symmetry, Celebrating Writing
Kelly Lynch // October 31, 2011

I have exciting news to share with our readers (yes, you, you wonderful human beings!)
As of yesterday, October 30th, Symmetry has been up and running for exactly a month. Does this excite me? Oh yes. Have things been going smashingly? Double-yes.
On our launch day we had over 1600 hits to the website. Adam Sterling and I spent the morning in a strange, euphoric daze interspersed with Adam’s furious tweeting, mad text messages to Emily and Melissa, and some crazy flail-dancing. I do that sometimes. Good exercise, I recommend it.
Flail-dancing is the new jazzercise.
In all seriousness, the amount of support and encouragement from students, faculty, and professionals in the community has been overwhelming. I know you’re probably thinking, “Oh my, that Kelly Lynch girl is thanking people again“. I can’t help myself. I like everyone that likes Symmetry. It’s a two-way thing.
Get it?
So, simply, without much pomp: thanks, everyone. I hope we can continue to give you excellent, scintillating, delightful, fun, and inspiring articles from the Halifax PR community. To steal quite baldly from Buzz Lightyear: to infinity…and beyond!
This month we are pursuing a theme of creativity. We are also celebrating writing–do you know why? Because the Mount is holding Celebrating Writing Week between November 14-18. I admit that last year I had a fabulous time during Celebrating Writing Week. I do love to write, and I do love that there are others out there just as passionate and just as keen on developing a love for writing. Look at all that love. There were panels, there were contests, there was writing all over the place. It was crazy!
Okay, it wasn’t that crazy. It was actually quite dignified and intellectually stimulating. Both good things.
But I am crazy about it, and as should you be! Get crazy about writing! It is a beautiful vehicle of expression for the human soul. Trust me, I got this.
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been plugging the MSVU Blog-o-Rama. The deadline for submissions is November 10. The prize is $100 for a lucky student blogger! There is also a Creative Writing contest and an Art Prompts Writing contest put on by the MSVU Art Gallery. For more info, check out their blog, where winners and their submissions will be posted on November 17!
That is all for now, Symmetry readers. Keep on creating, communicating, and collaborating. I’ll be here if you need me.
Kelly Lynch, Symmetry Editor-in-Chief