Kardashian-Humphries Divorce gives LGBT Community some “Klout”
Jamie Gillingham // November 3, 2011

If you haven’t already heard, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from her husband of a whopping 72 days, Kris Humphries, pro-basketball player and part-time gigantic man. There’s been some speculation that the entire thing was a publicity stunt. Kim, however, is sticking to her word that she married for ‘love’. You can visit Kim’s official website to read a letter she recently wrote to her fans concerning the devastating news of her divorce–a sadness comparable only to Janet Jackson’s infamous Superbowl ‘wardrobe malfunction’ of 2004.
Here’s a picture of the happy couple:
The Kardashian-Humphries wedding was estimated to have cost 10 million dollars. Let’s just take a moment to wrap our heads around that fact.
That’s 138, 000 dollars for every day they spent blissfully married to each other. I guess it takes money to make money because 15 million is the amount E! paid for the coverage of the 4 hour long TV wedding special. 2.5 million is the amount People paid for the exclusive rights to their wedding photos. 300, 000 is how much Kim and Kris were paid for the rights to the engagement announcement. In case you aren’t number savvy, that’s 17.8 million dollars for 72 days of doing nothing but spelling words with a ‘k’ when they actually begin with a ‘c’.
But what upsets me the most about this whole ridiculous thing is that same-sex marriage remains banned in 46 of the 52 states in the U.S.. Gay couples are being pinpointed as ruining the sanctity of marriage. Ruining the sanctity of marriage? Kim Kardashian just pocketed 17.8 million dollars on a marriage that lasted as long as my brief but fulfilling relationship with Dianne McIssac in grade 2, and we only made it to holding hands.
If Kim wants to get engaged, married and divorced in the span of 6 months and spend 10 million dollars doing it, more power to her. I wish I could afford that. But to have a government turn around and deny two people who love each other the right to legally bind their relationship is something that disgusts me to no end.
Hey Kim, the next time you want to spend 10 million bones why don’t you think about donating it to the PFLAG, an organization that works toward helping LGBT youth through the trials of ‘coming out’.
There has been an uproar, and rightly so, from the LGBT community surrounding the Kardashian-Humphries wedding. Go here, here and here to read more about Kim’s stab at marriage bliss and its effects on the gay community. Gay activists are using Kim’s failed wedding as ammunition against the ban on same-sex marriage. They hope that by using Kim and Kris as an example they can show that it is not the gay community that is ruining the sanctity of marriage but those who take their nuptials for granted, and get paid 17.8 million dollars for doing it.
But, let’s not give Kim and Kris all the credit. Go here to see a list of the shortest celebrity marriages of all time. And here to see a list of the shortest same-sex celebrity marriag… oh, wait, such a list does not exist.
So, if nothing else, let Kim and Kris’ divorce be a reminder of the work left to be done in the fight for equality. As they say, every “kloud” has a silver lining.