Co-op: Never Fear, Adventure’s Here
Angela Scott // November 16, 2011

I was first drawn to the Mount because I had heard so much about the Public Relations program. Once I realized the Public Relations program was co-operative, it was all the more reason to choose the Mount. Beginning university as a mature student last year, I was excited just to be going back to school. As my second year progresses, I am excited to be a public relations student. My courses have become more involved, and I’ve been more exposed to the actual theory of public relations. I am looking forward to this coming summer when I start working in my first co-op placement.
Currently, I am interested in working for an organization that focuses on event planning, but I’m also interested in non-profit organizations. I have already been slightly exposed to both of these fields. I am a volunteer with the Girl Guides of Canada, and I have a college diploma in travel and tourism. I have worked as a travel agent, which I enjoyed, but the idea of planning actual events is incredibly appealing and I am keenly interested in pursuing that particular public relations niche. Whenever I see events taking place around the city, I have an Ally McBeal moment and picture myself being involved in something like that someday. Lots of imaginary confetti and a complicated musical number later, I’m still anxiously awaiting the summer.
Some of the friends I made at school last year did their first co-op placement this past summer. I was a little envious of them whenever they would talk to me about their placements. I was working this summer, but I wasn’t doing anything related to my field. Whenever I would talk with my friends, I secretly wished that I was doing a co-op placement instead of my summer job. I didn’t want to wait.
I think going into co-op will be a good experience for me, as I am more of a hands-on learner. I do enjoy going to class and learning new skills, but I will learn more being in a work environment–that’s what co-op is for, after all. I am curious to see how the things I have been learning in school will be applied to real situations. I also think that co-op will be a great opportunity to learn additional skills that cannot be taught in the classroom. As much as I am looking forward to co-op, I also think that it will be a great challenge, and I will be a little nervous going into my first placement.
Overall, I’m not afraid or worried about my placement. I’m mostly just curious as to what my co-op placement will be like. Although I am interested in specific aspects of public relations, I am open to exploring other sectors. I like the fact that we get to do three different co-op placements, as this should give me a wide scope on the industry. I think the co-op experience will help me narrow down exactly what it is I want to do with my life, career-wise. I am not completely sure what to expect out of my first placement, but that is part of the excitement of doing co-op: new opportunities wait patiently just around the corner.