MSVU Art Gallery Presents: Rosalie Favell
MSVU Art Gallery // November 16, 2011

MSVU Art Gallery presents:
Organized by MSVU Art Gallery
Ingrid Jenkner, Curator
19 November 2011 through 19 February 2012
Living Evidence is Rosalie Favell’s first serial photographic self-portrait; it follows her earlier attempts to reclaim a First Nations identity by photographing aboriginal women. Truthful and brave, Living Evidence exhibits the appealing vulnerability that continues to characterize this artist’s photo-based work.
Each panel in the series is an enlargement of a Polaroid snapped in the course of her relationship with a past lover. When the relationship ended Favell altered the “happy” snaps to express her pain artistically. Anticipation of a homophobic reception also motivated Favell’s concealment of the identity of her former lover. The taping of the eyes reveals more than it conceals; it effectively ‘outs’ the censorship that attends artistic production by lesbians and other artists who engage in representations of difference. The suite of photographs has recently been donated by the artist.
For more information, contact Katie Belcher at 902-457-6291, katie.belcher@msvu.ca
MSVU Art Gallery
Mount Saint Vincent University, Seton Academic Centre, Ground Floor
166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, NS
902 457 6160
Free Admission
Tuesdays to Fridays 11am to 5pm; Saturdays, Sundays 1 to 5pm; closed Mondays
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