New Course Offering for PR Students
Patricia Parsons // January 9, 2012

Health Communication, cross-listed as COMM 4511/GPRL 6511 will be offered for the first time this spring as an elective for students in the BPR, BSc (Science Communication), MA (PR) and MPR. The objectives and assignment requirements are different for undergraduate students and graduate students. The prerequisite for BPR and BSc (SC) students is PBRL 3014 or science communication equivalent.
Offered as an online course, this will provide an examination of health communication theory and practice at the level of public communication. Topics include an examination of health in Canadian society, health communication models, current theories influencing health behaviour change, health in traditional & new media (including news & entertainment), medical writing and current practice in strategic approaches to health communication.
For further information, send an email to biomed@eastlink.ca or patricia.parsons@msvu.ca.
Patricia Parsons, Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies