Resolute Resolutions
Jamie Gillingham // January 16, 2012

We’ve all been there. That’s right, we’ve all made New Year’s resolutions we have no hope of keeping. Whether it’s to eat less junk, work out more, or finally learn how to use the Facebook timeline; each year resolutions around the world fall by the wayside, and along with them our hopes of a healthy self-esteem. This is why I’m challenging you to choose one of the simple resolutions below and give it a try. There’s no hidden secret, no special method, you just have to start small and work your way to a monumental resolution, like getting a six-pack or figuring out how Lady Gaga got inside that egg. Here we go.
Resolution 1: Memorize something every day.
I’ve always been envious of people who can spit a fact out about nearly anything. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people. I tend to fill up awkward silences with even more awkward smiles. But if you make it a point to make this a resolution of yours you can say goodbye to awkward silences and hello to useless knowledge that just might score you a date.
Resolution 2: Read more.
I once had a conversation with someone who used the word ‘like’ 13 times in one sentence. I know what you’re thinking, and no–I was not a guest star on “The Simple Life” (and yes–I am talking about that horribly bad yet still amazing show with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie). Needless to say, shortly after that exchange the conversation ended. Not only was I appalled as an aspiring PR professional, but as someone who is the same species as this person, I was mildly insulted! At the end of the day, our words are often all we have, so get out there and read a book.
Resolution 3: Drink more water.
It’s been debated that water is necessary for life. I, for one, have chosen to believe so and make it a point to a drink an exorbitant amount each day. If you so choose, do so as well! I’ve even come up with a little rhyme to help you remember when you’ve had just enough. If your pee is clear, you’re in the clear! Yeah, I rhymed clear with clear, so what?
Resolution 4: Come up with a life mantra.
Mantras are a dime-a-dozen. Whether you Google, steal, or make one up for yourself, mantras give you a general plan by which to live your life. For example, some might say Woody Allen’s mantra is to live each day more neurotic than the last. If you decide to make this a resolution of your own, you’ll undoubtedly be a step ahead in the game.
Resolution 5: Be the person that makes others feel special.
It’s no secret that feeling good feels good. And often, making others feel good feels even better. So the next time an opportunity arises, go out of your way to hold the door, bring your friend a coffee, or compliment a new haircut. Karma is no joke, and if you follow this resolution you’ll be reaping the rewards in no time. There ya go, five resolutions that won’t give you a stomach ulcer when trying to keep. Don’t you feel like a more accomplished person just reading this? You’re welcome. Now get out there and resolution yourself into greatness.