Recognizing Mount Professors
Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association // January 17, 2012

Recognizing our professors with the Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence
Have you had a professor at the Mount who has motivated you to excel academically, encouraged you to participate in the classroom, and cared about your needs as a student and as a person? If the answer is “Yes! Mount professors are fantastic!”, then you should consider the Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence 2012.
The Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence is an annual award that recognizes the efforts of our beloved professors. If you know a professor who sets the bar high and pushes you to achieve your goals, nominate her/him today! Your professor will be awarded with a certificate at Spring convocation, and a $500 donation will be made in her/his name to a scholarship for Mount students.
Nominating someone is easy; just pick up a nomination form at the Library, Deans Office, Students Union Info Desk or online at msvu.ca/alumnae. Write a short letter explaining why you believe this professor deserves the award (500 words max.), and get four other people to sign your nomination form. All students, staff, faculty and alumnae are welcome to submit nominations. Make a professor’s day and nominate her/him for this prestigious award!
The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, January 31, 2012. For more information contact Beth at 457-6433 or email alumnae@msvu.ca. The Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence is sponsored by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association.