The Return of Symmetry
Kelly Lynch // September 7, 2012

Autumn is the best season. I’m stubborn about this. If you disagree, I will be forced to fall back on the age-old “that’s what you think” argument. With autumn comes a lot of hustle and bustle, a lot of change – in nature, yes, but also in our lives. But change is good.
Waxing poetic aside, I must say I’m extremely happy to start bringing you another eight months of Symmetry. We recently had a very productive meeting where we figured out better ways to recognize those who write for us, how to make the site more navigable, and how to make each month feel a bit more organized.
It is my hope that this year will be even better than last, and that we can engage more writers in the lower years of the PR program. After my team and I graduate, Symmetry must carry on! Like the Curiosity rover in the face of the lonely red winds of Mars.
Space references are always acceptable, guys.
If you’ll take a look at the front landing page, you’ll notice we’ve made a few adjustments in section titles. New to the gang is Practice Makes Perfect, where we’ll put all the awesome stuff on best practice PR. We’ve also changed Free Write to Creative Commons, because creativity is common to all of us, obviously.
If you are interested in writing for Symmetry, you should check out our publishing guidelines first, and secondly, you should have a look at what I refer to as the “loose” themes for each month.
The themes are guidelines. I want everyone to be clear on that. Just because there is a theme in place, does not mean you need to write about it. You can write whatever you want. But the theme is there for you to get your brain cells moving, to get that grey matter to start mattering.
We’d also like to encourage people to share any kind of visual or audio/visual material they’re proud of. We have a platform that supports it, and has yet been underused in that area. Get in touch! If you did a project in Greg Pretty or Janice Landry’s class last year that you want to share, get to it!
Alright, all business aside, these are the themes for the following year:
Month |
Themes |
September | Public Relations in the News: Examining Spokespeople |
October | Media Literacy and understanding bias in the news (includes all forms of social media) |
November | Writing: Specific focus on Speech-writing and press conference preparation |
December | Event Planning |
January | Career Planning (What jobs are out there? How do we get them?) |
February | Crisis Communications |
March | PR & Gender |
April | Employee Relations |
Thanks so much, and you can look forward to Notes from the Editor(s) each month! We’ll say fun and interesting things, so check in, ok? Happy studies, everyone.
Kelly Lynch is the Editor-in-Chief of Symmetry. She drinks too much coffee, plays ukelele very poorly, and watches YouTube videos involving adorable cats far too often. Her favourite thing to do is write, and her favourite thing to read is graphic novels. She also has a soft spot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but don’t tell anyone.