I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours
Nikki Gillingham // November 9, 2012

We all have one.
That one treat that’s almost impossible to turn down, no matter how strong our motivation and desire to get in shape, get fit, and get healthy.
I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.
Peanut butter.
I wish it wasn’t so but, alas, it is. I have an addiction to Kraft light smooth peanut butter. I can eat it by the spoonful. I load it onto my toasted English muffins. It’s my evening go-to snack: apple slices and peanut butter.
I try my best to practice what I preach, and I limit the amount of evenings I allow myself to open the peanut butter jar (because once it’s open, I’m a goner). But it’s hard, and I know it’s not just me. While you may not be addicted to peanut butter and all of its creamy smooth goodness, I know there’s a treat you have trouble saying no to, or that taunts you from the kitchen cupboard every time you open it in search of a healthy snack.
And that’s OK, friends (bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?). While I generally like to talk about clean eating, water consumption, goals, plans, and commitment to a fun workout routine, I realize we’re all human and we all need to treat ourselves once in a while.
While you may not think peanut butter is a treat – it certainly is. At 80 calories a tablespoon, my apple slices and peanut butter can pack more calories than a slice of cheesecake, and that’s using a light variety.
Whatever your weakness is, I only recommend you are aware of exactly what you’re putting into your body. Keep in mind the calorie count, the fat content, and the grams of sugar, so that when you do choose to indulge you can limit yourself. If you can’t stop yourself once you’ve started (it happens) then you are at least aware of the damage and can’t trick yourself into thinking, “that wasn’t too bad…”
That’s when the problems start. It’s OK to have a cupcake. Maybe two. But not every day, and when you’re aware of the amount of sugar that icing has, you’re more likely to limit the amount of times you allow yourself to have a cheat treat. Remember – it’s a TREAT.
It all goes back to moderation. Strict diets can be tough to follow, especially if you never paid attention to what went into your mouth before. Allowing yourself a simple indulgence once in a while, I believe, can actually help keep you on track. You can satisfy your craving, and then carry on with your meal plan as usual.
Remember, be conscious of and stay informed about what you’re eating. Knowing is half the battle.
Stephanie Symynuk
Stephanie Symynuk
Nikki Gillingham