A fond adieu
Kelly Lynch // April 12, 2013

It’s been a great two years. It’s been crazy. But it’s been great. Apparently if you’re in PR you’re drawn to crazy, so I figure I must be doing it right.
This is my last post as Editor in Chief of Symmetry, and I can sincerely say I will miss this. I’ve learned so much (read: ravenous love of editing) and have gotten to know so many of my classmates better through this project (read: you’re all delightful).
I wish I had more time to polish up what I know in a few years will be a real gem of a student publication. But I’m going to leave that to Emma Robertson, your new Editor in Chief and her Co-editor Melissa Nodding, who will be taking over the site next September. You’re in good hands.
With the switchover, expect a new look <insert jazz hands here> for Symmetry. Emma and Melissa are free to make the site their own. Symmetry 2: Symmetry Harder.
That was a joke guys, that’s not what it’ll actually be called. C’MON.
The Facebook page and Twitter will of course be the same, so keep following us on pretty much everything.
To all Symmetry’s writers – thank-you so much for writing compelling, thought-provoking, sometimes fun, sometimes revolutionary pieces. I think what we’ve all created together the past two years is something pretty special. Long-form writing is a luxury we’re rarely allowed, and you made it shine beautifully. I had fun reading your stuff. Thanks for trusting me to do a good job.
A special thanks to Nikki Gillingham, David Belyea, Jamie Gillingham, Melanie Brister, Olivia McDonald, Clara Clorey, and Robin Young for writing consistently and well. And of course, a huge thank-you to my support these two years – Melissa, Emily and Adam. I couldn’t have done it without you.
If you wrote once or twice, or submitted through a class project, thank-you so much for putting yourself out there and taking a risk. I know we’re not a “big name” publisher or anything, but knowing other people are reading your work can be scary – so that means you’re brave. And cool. Only cool people write for Symmetry (if you hadn’t already figured that out).
And, of course, thank-you to our mentors. Professor Brent King and Crystal Garrett (who has moved on from the Mount – but will always be remembered as a fantastic professor) provided excellent counsel to us and were always open to new ideas and collaboration. Thanks to Alison DeLory as well for her help incorporating Symmetry into her classes this year. And thanks, Mount Public Affairs, for your encouragement and support.
I wish Emma and Melissa luck as they take over the publication and make it their own. I think Symmetry is a real testament to the kind of thing students can create together with some creativity and encouragement from professors. I truly value the Mount’s Communications program for many reasons, but their support of Symmetry really emphasizes their forward-thinking approach and that they really believe in the students in the program.
If I forgot anyone, I am sorry – I can assure you if you’ve helped me out, I’m pretty darn grateful.
See you in the world.
Kelly Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
http://twitter.com/aldelory Alison DeLory
Sarah Bustard
http://www.symmetrypublicrelations.com/ Kelly Lynch
crystal garrett