As a young professional entering the workforce, it can be difficult to distinguish yourself from other students competing for similar jobs. The importance of networking is often stressed by professors and PR practitioners, but the thought of actually putting yourself out there can seem daunting. However, the knowledge and connections you will likely gain from these experiences are worth every second. Here are some ways you can network effectively as a public relations student:
Welcome every connection
It is not uncommon to hear the phrase, “it’s all about who you know,” in reference to finding a job. While an adequate resume is the core component of any job application, your reference list can either make it or break it when it comes to securing a position. Don’t hesitate to make connections through ways other than your part-time manager or the family you used to babysit for. Establishing professional connections with people you already know, such as family, friends, or relatives, is a great way to stay in the loop about future job postings, or to earn a potential reference.
Online connections can be just as useful
If you’re unsure how to go about networking, online can be a great place to start. Start by researching companies in your field of study, and even emailing someone at the company to answer any questions you may have. You can also start by creating a LinkedIn profile and checking out the profiles of other people in your field. Even following the social media profiles of companies you’re interested in potentially working for is another great way to stay up-to-date on important news or information.
Go to networking events with a friend
As a first or second year student, networking events can seem intimidating or awkward. Making friends in your classes that you can attend these events with is an excellent way to help ease the nerves. It also allows you to hold each other accountable to attend as many as you can.
Drop by your professor’s office to chat and ask questions
Most professors have office hours for the semester that students may attend if they have any questions or need help on an assignment. This is a great time to chat with your professor one-on-one rather than in a large class. Even dropping by for a few minutes at the beginning of the semester to introduce yourself and ask a few questions about the course material can lead to a professional relationship that will benefit you in the long run.
Take advantage of school-organized events and programs
Here at the Mount, there are numerous opportunities for students to network with professionals from a diverse number of organizations. Joining the PR society, attending networking events, or taking advantage of the Learning Passport program are all great ways to branch out and make connections beyond the classroom. As well, all public relations students at MSVU are members of the Canadian Public Relations Society (Nova Scotia). This organization is a great resource for students to find job postings, professional development opportunities, and to make connections with those in the field.
Madison Bishop, BPR Student
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