By: Quinn Densmore, BPR Student.
Over the years, Nike has released some of the most highly regarded ads in history. The most recent Nike (M) commercial The Toughest Athletes spread like wildfire across social media as millions liked, shared and commented. The raw and authentic portrayal of motherhood depicted by Nike captured hearts globally, spreading the message that there is no power like the power of a mother.
Nike designs advertisements that instill a sense of possibility and wonder in all of us. They invite social conversation and change on relevant topics. There are various marketing and PR strategies that make Nike ads effective; however, it is their combination approach that allows them to capture a wide audience and maintain a positive brand reputation.
Nike is recognized for their personable, sincere and heartfelt messages. Their ability to use emotional appeal gives them the advantage of reaching a wider range of consumers. According to Natarelli (2017), “90 percent of the decisions we make are based on emotion.” This means that almost all of the decisions we make are influenced by how we feel about a product. When consumers feel an emotional connection to a brand, there is a higher chance they will purchase from the brand. Nike benefits from this as they aim to catch our emotions rather than emphasize the “sell”; Nike is selling an emotion.
In January (2020), Nike shared Dream Crazier drawing attention to the encouragement forfemale athletes to dream big, despite the opinions of society. Again, Nike captivated audiences by addressing gender-based stereotypes of women in sports.
Nike’s cause-related marketing approach has helped propel their purpose for advocacy. Thanks to their highly-recognized brand, Nike serves as a voice for the voiceless and promotes ideas that serve the greater good. The infamous slogan “Just do it,” functions as a call-to-action for Nike audiences. Due to the slogan’s all-embracing message, it serves as a multi-purposed message. The message has not only encouraged consumers to purchase from Nike, but to participate in their calling (whether that be a sport or involvement in social change).
On trend with many other brands, Nike uses the power of influence. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, the use of celebrity endorsements can increase a company’s sales by four per cent. Although this may seem minimal, Nike has reaped the benefits of influence. Celebrities such as LeBron James, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan have all been the face of Nike.

Nike does not limit their strategy to one audience, rather they take an inclusive and diverse approach by incorporating all sports, races, genders, size, sexual orientation and ethnicities alike. Nike serves and reaches a wider audience through their universal perspectives. A study conducted by the Deloitte-owned agency Heat revealed that more diverse brands are 83 per cent more preferable.
The Find Your Greatness campaign and What will they say about you? ad demonstrate Nike’s values and mission through inspiration, motivation, and embrace for humanity.
Environment has an immense impact on how messages are received. Trends and global events play a role in the relevancy of communication; the success of communication relies on the timeliness of the message. Nike has leveraged social events such as the Black Lives Matter movement (For Once, Don’t Do It) or the passing of Kobe Bryant (Mamba Forever and Better) to spread justice and condolence through their platform.
In July (2020), Nike released You Can’t Stop Us, spreading hope for the comeback of sport and community despite the ongoing pandemic.
So, what makes Nike ads so successful? Nike has proven that a simple message can go a long way and as a result, has become a leader in its industry by opening doors to new possibilities and potential for all athletes. Nike teaches us that it is not about perfection, but persistence. Ultimately, Nike speaks to all of us through their dynamic and multidimensional marketing and PR strategy to deliver the most effective communications.
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