Eight years of Symmetry

We’re back – finally!

The Symmetry editorial team has been busy preparing for another year of creation, communication, and collaboration. While we are a little later launching this year, we are confident that Symmetry’s eighth edition will be better than ever!

You may have noticed that we have undergone some changes this fall – from implementing a new website design to welcoming four new team members: Emily Brown, Hannah Baillie, Madison Mills, and Olivia Hernden. These young women are talented and dedicated BPR students at Mount Saint Vincent University. We could not be more excited to learn and grow from their innovation and drive! We are also pleased to announce that two of Symmetry’s 2018-2019 editors, Chelsea Tucker and Sarah Greening, have taken on the role of Symmetry co-editors-in-chief. Make sure to visit our ‘Meet the Editors’ page to get acquainted with the 2019-2020 editorial team.

As our name suggests, Symmetry strives to practice two-way symmetrical communication between students, faculty, and public relations/communications professionals. Respect, collaboration, and mutual understanding allow us to learn more together.

We want to hear from you: the PR students embarking on co-ops; the experienced alumni; the faculty who have allowed us to get to where we are. Do you have a suggestion or question? Send us an email so we can start collaborating!

Why write for Symmetry, anyway?

Symmetry allows you to publish your writing on a credible and established public forum that is read by students and professionals in the PR community, alike. If you are hoping to impress a future employer or to showcase your writing skills, Symmetry is the platform for you!

Writing for Symmetry is a great way to improve your writing ability and to connect with fellow students. While the thought of a student editing your piece may seem daunting, don’t fret! Our editors pick up on grammatical errors and typos; they help you strengthen word choice; and most importantly, they help you grow as a writer. Editors can also work with you to brainstorm topic ideas.

Stay connected

Stay tuned for our first set of articles to be published on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019. We hear that there may just be a federal election that day, so don’t forget to vote!

Here’s to a great year!

Symmetry Team, 2019-2020