4 behaviours of highly productive entrepreneurs you should emulate

Ross Simmonds, digital strategist and co-host of Young PR Pros the podcast.

So you want to be successful.

Do you know what it takes to be successful?

Studying the habits and behaviours of successful people is one of the best ways to learn. Understanding the background and history behind some of the world’s most successful business women and men is a tactic every ambitious entrepreneur should implement.

Studying the greats is the first step to becoming great. It can unlock insights, reveal opportunities and help you grow faster than you could imagine.

“The more you learn, the more you earn.” – Warren Buffett

Many view successful people as gifted, lucky and fortunate. While these things might very well be true, it is hard work, passion, courage and curiosity that ultimately bring people the most success.

If you’re looking for a magic bullet to instant fame and fortune, you’re looking in the wrong place. Such a bullet does not exist. The habits, mindsets and behaviours of successful people are not created overnight. They are traits and characteristics that are nurtured, respected and groomed over time.

I hope this list of underappreciated behaviours will inspire you to adopt some of them in your entrepreneurial endeavours. Perhaps you already exhibit some on the list. If so, add a few more and see what other successes are waiting for you around the corner.


While most people sit and hope for success to find them, the most successful people intentionally and methodically create their own. Successful people are not controlled by their desire to win; rather they are inspired and motivated to reach their highest potential.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs

For me, I often remind myself of the story of Elon Musk and the risks he took after cashing out from a major win with the PayPal deal. Elon took all of his earnings from that acquisition and invested his cash into Tesla, SolarCity and SpaceX. Three companies that at one point and time seemed ridiculous but today are billion dollar entities changing the world one day at a time.


“The key to unlock the doors to success is great questions. The better questions you ask, the better doors of opportunity you unlock.” — John Maxwell

Highly successful people ask questions.

But, it’s not the volume of questions they ask that give them their edge, it’s the quality. They know who to seek guidance from and aren’t afraid to seek it. They’re constantly learning because they understand that knowledge is the path to success. They aren’t intimidated by smart people; they surround themselves with those who know more and have experienced more and they are better business people for it.


“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” — Henry Ford

Highly successful people celebrate their failures because they know the real power in failure is the lessons that are exposed within it. To be successful you must be resilient, unbreakable and passionate about your goals. You must be willing to take responsibility when things go bad and give credit when things are going well. This simple mindset will inspire those around you and earn you the respect of partners, colleagues and peers.


“Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” — Mark Zuckerberg

They are busy, productive and proactive individuals who constantly shape their own success by working hard for it and settling for nothing less. Rather than contemplating, wishing and dreaming, they are doing. They go after want they want and work their way towards it. They aren’t afraid to sweat, fail or fall down along the way.

Now I turn to you.

What are the behaviours you most admire in success people? We’d love to hear from you on Twitter @youngprpros!

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