Oh my Ford. A note from the Editor

PR students: time to pay attention and take notes. Rob Ford has reached an all-time low and is easy fodder for late-night comedians. His every move has been cringe worthy. Accusations, denials, and headline after headline, Rob Ford is the perfect example of crisis communication how-not. “What the HECK is his PR team telling him?!…

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SOPA: Putting a leash on creativity and information access.

Alison Harris  Imagine living in a world where with one wrong click your favourite websites could disappear. In 2012 when the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) were announced people took notice worldwide. The Internet has become home to many creators and informative sources whose work is threatened by SOPA….

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The role of communications during an election – what’s really happening?

Written by Olivia McDonald We all know a provincial election is looming – we can feel it in the air. Campaign promises are in full swing and communication professionals province-wide are in overdrive. Party leaders and campaign organizers are readying party ads, kissing babies, and traveling from Yarmouth to Cape Breton trying to win over voters. Have…

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