Volume 4, Issue 2

Happy co-op season! Everyone is stressed out and you’re hoping you’ll get a job from the first round of applications. Lucky for you, you have six interviews approaching. The interviews went well, and you think you made a good impression. Unfortunately, when the results are in, you find out that you weren’t so lucky. You were not offered a job in the first round of applications. A lot of your friends were offered jobs and you’re feeling down on yourself and left out. Does this situation sound familiar at all?

Here’s some advice: If you don’t get a co-op job in the first round, do not stress or be too upset. It doesn’t mean you’re bad at interviews or that you’re unintelligent. What it means is that you weren’t the right fit. Keep trying! It’s fate that you will get a co-op job in the next weeks to come that will suit you and you’ll enjoy it more than the ones you first applied for.

Personally, I received all three of my co-op jobs in the second round of job postings and I’m glad I did. I ended up loving all my placements. I always think HALLELUJAH when I think about how it’s possible I would have missed out on these jobs if I had gotten one in the first round. Another pro about getting a job in the second round, is that so many more organizations appear on the career works site. Plenty of organizations are still waiting for their funding approval, which is why they weren’t posted in the first round. There will be lots of jobs in government, business organizations and non-profit.

My co-op placements have been at 105.9 Seaside FM, MSVU Department of Business & Tourism and currently at 5thCanadian Division (DND). I would recommend all of these co-op placements to PR students. Just remember, to be patient. You may have to wait for the second round of postings. Sometimes it’s just fate. So, don’t stress too much about getting a co-op job right away, enjoy the search and find the right match for you.

Holly Crawford – Editor